Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Update from Maine

Hi everyone,

I know that it has been quite a while, but, well, we have been really busy. We have moved home to Maine and are currently trying to get our new house set up so that we can move in. In the meantime, we have been living at my parents. Sue was able to move her ABB job to Maine and do it remotely for about a year and Reed will be going to work for the Limestone Police Department.

The boys are doing really well (they have their 9 month check up tomorrow) so we will get more info on how big etc. (which I will post). Matthew has been crawling since about Christmas and now pulls himself up on furniture and while holding onto it, he "walks" the lenght of the furniture. Thomas began crawling military style in late Jan, early Feb but since we have been at my parents, he is now crawling on all fours and has now started to pull himself up on furniture as well. We think that both will walk pretty soon.

I can't believe that more than 9 months have gone by since they were born. There have been so many changes and they have grown so much. They both have very different personalities and Thomas looks to Matthew for comfort in uneasy situations. Like starting their new daycare-Matthew has taken to it much easier than Thomas. Thomas would follow Matthew around and lay his head in Matthew's lap for comfort. They are both so amazing.

I am going to post some pictures below that were taken through out their time at the day care in NC and I will also post some pictures of them at my parents since we moved back.

I hope to be able to post more often now that we are settling in.

Reed, Sue, Matthew and Thomas

These are pictures at my parent's house in Maine:

These are from the Daycare center in NC:

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