Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas 2010 Round 1

This past weekend was the Bernier Christmas celebration with Sharon, Abbie and Sara visiting. We had a fun packed, full weekend. Sara arrived Thursday night and Sharon and Abbie came in on Saturday. Here are some pictures of the gift opening where the boys had a ball being little Santas handing out gifts to everyone:

Monday, November 29, 2010

November 2010

Where does the time go? This year is almost over and we cannot seem to keep up!! The boys are doing good. We think Thomas might be Lactose intolerent so we are trying the Lactose free milk and if that does not help, he will be off to see the doctor. Both boys seem to always have some congestion during the winter months, so after another discussion with their doctor, we are going to try a nasal spray--God help us in trying to get them to take that!!! But if they take it, we will see if it helps any. One thing that seems to help is the Vics on the feet.

Overall the boys had a great November. Below are some pictures to show you their activities:

Playdough--notice that Thomas' colors are still all sepearated (and they remain that way today) while Matthew's are all mixed together (it only took him about 10 min to do that)

Here they are relaxing a bit watching some TV:

Here is some coloring/driving enjoyment:

Here are some specials of Thomas (he was more willing to pose for the camera this month). Notice his placement of his "cell phone"--just like his Daddy. Thomas has become quite the computer guru--holding Skype sessions with Grandma Mimi:

Thanksgiving Day:

Monday, October 25, 2010

Finally, an update

It has been way too long that we have updated the blog. We have been so busy with the boys and moving to the new house. The boys have had a good summer and are gearing up for the colder weather and the snow that will come soon. The boys enjoyed "helping" in the garden this summer/fall with picking the carrots, onions and pumpkins. They enjoyed the "kiddie" pool and slide at Memere's and Pepere's. Daycare even brought them to a few sping softball games and they loved it!! As you saw in the last post the boys went to their first fair and saw "Old McDonald's Farm" with Grandma Mimi (a great visit). "Cow needs bath" is all Matthew would talk about for weeks after that!!! :-)

We had a great visit with Grandma Lilli and Aunt Lisa and enjoyed spending time outside with them rolling on the hills and running around.

The boys are getting big, to the point where I can't carry Thomas for long distances anymore--he is a big boy. But they love to walk which is good and they both LOVE being outside. We went for a walk in the woods this weekend with Memere and Pepere and enjoyed discovering mushrooms.

I am posting a variety of pictures from the summer/fall below. Enjoy.

August Pictures:

September Pictures

October Pictures